£TB£VOLCANOES£TB£ Spouting fire, volcanoes disclose the secret workings of the Earth. For the first time on CD-ROM, scientists show how the geological processes that originate deep underground transform our environment and profoundly affect all of our lives. The first CD-ROM, £TB£Knowing he Earth£TB£, focuses on the scientific exploration of the Earth. Our planet's structure is presented, as well as the dynamics of eruptions and the various techniques for observing volcaning activity. £TB£Volcanoes of the World£TB£, the second CD-ROM of the set, invites you to take a hard look into the face of fire, just as the women and men who live near volcanoes do. Jacques Durieux has long studied our planet and recounts the history of the most famous eruptions with the most spectacular shots of photographer Philippe Bourseiller. Produced using the database of the Smithsonian Institution and illustrated with the photographs of Maurice Krafft, this 2-CD-ROMs set offers more than 2 hours of animated sequences, one hour of video footage and 3D and more than 1500 photographic documents.